Bailey Olivas x Elysian Exchange

Model + Actress. Intuitive Channel. Healing + Expansion + Embodiment Guide.

Energy Reading Reviews

River (SOul sister reading)

Wow. I have so much to take in right now. Haven’t stopped crying joyful, healing tears since I started watching the recording of my channeling session @elysianexchange111 sent me today. Her gift is so…beautiful.

Mary (soul sister REading)

I just finished an incredible reading from Bailey (@elysianexchange111) . One word: WOW. Infrequently have I felt so seen and held by someone I haven’t met in person, and Bailey did exactly that. She read into my soul and uncovered pieces of me I’ve been afraid to see. If you feel called, book a reading with her. Bailey has an incredible gift of sight and understanding and I hope to do more work together.

Jason (a powerful clairvoyant)

So much to touch on… [In the filmed channel session] you have an aura around your right ear. It’s like a blue light circle that kept coming and going. The aura around your ear is a sign that you are truly enlightened. I read it in “letting go” … You’ve tapped into your highest self. I appreciate you and love your being. You are able to give me clarity and I am happy to give you clarity as well.

*Jason also confirmed that private details channeled in connection to his life were completely accurate. He also lovingly received a clear message from a lost loved one that has passed, which he validated as spot on.

Amy + Julio (couple’s energy work)

Thank you Bailey for being a constant love and support to Julio and I. For always being the wise owl with so much helpful, knowledgeable information. You walked us down this beautiful path and guided us. We love you.

*Amy + Julio successfully raised their individual vibrations, strengthened their connection and manifested their shared goal together!

WiLLOW (A Multi-dimensional Experiencer, Healer, teacher)

Bailey is a phenomenal channel with a powerful connection to her higher self and those surrounding her, allowing her to tap into the energy of a person’s life. She approaches readings with an extraordinary mastery in many skills—color, meditation, sound, tarot, oracle, and more. After keeping myself away from readings for over ten years, then being guided to allow Bailey access when we first met, I can say without a doubt that she is of the highest caliber of channel, healer, and teacher, that one may strive to become over years of practice.

I’m an awakened soul most intuitive’s could not accurately read, but Bailey knew exactly what was going on, where help was needed, and she was adept in delivering the messages and tools to obtain the recommended outcomes in a clear and easy way. To borrow from Michael Scott, “The dictionary defines superlative as: of the highest kind, quality, or order, surpassing all else, or others. Supreme.” I define it as Bailey Olivas. As a reader, channel, healer, and now friend, she is of the highest kind, quality, and order. Supreme. @awakenwithwillow on IG

Jaz + Friends (group reading)

Good Morning! I just wanted to say thank you for the reading last night, I know the girls really loved and appreciated everything! It’s amazing to see how everything isn’t always so black and white, and there’s so much more to life than just pushing through. Thank you again so much and hopefully we can talk again soon!

It’s so nice listening to someone who understands. It’s really like a form of therapy.

NEAKY (STARSEED reading + Light Language TRansmission)

I love your deliveries. You’re very detailed. Spirit has communicated a lot of what you said through dreams. I was able to feel your love through the phone. Your light language felt amazing. It gave me chills.

KYLE & JENNA (COuple’s Alignment + Light Language TRansmission)

Kyle and Jenna are two divinely aligned souls that experienced the most profound, healing, affirming session! Channeling for these two was an honor. These souls were deeply aware of their connection and wished to receive insight from their guides regarding their relationship. The most unforgettable part of their session was delivering messaging for a baby soul that was eagerly and lovingly preparing to arrive to Earth soon. Today, this couple is consciously navigating their Union as soulmates and parents!

Kyle on a Light Language activation sent to him “Felt a surge of energy around my head and face. While I was listening…I halfway jumped (energetically) into a space where the message was being translated as you spoke.”

STephanie (STARSEED reading + Light Language TRansmission)

I had goosebumps the entire time…everything you kept mentioning resonated so much...that was so interesting and I have so much processing to do… (1 month post reading) I have been having amazing experiences with the butterfly. Definitely confirming some things from our reading. I felt so much of it resonated but it’s interesting to see more and more opening up. Thank you again for helping me!